
Automatic Stay Stops Creditors in Their Tracks

Call: 888-297-6203 When you have fallen behind on your dues, there is no way of preventing the threatening actions of creditors. You will end up facing harassing phone calls and threatening emails seeking legal action against you. Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, say that filing for bankruptcy can be the best way to not just get rid of this nuisance but also of a large amount of unsecured debts which are holding you back. Once you file for bankruptcy, the court orders the automatic stay order to be served to all the creditors listed in [...]


These Questions About Bankruptcy Can Make You Understand it Better

Call: 888-297-6203 Bankruptcy can be quite specific and technical for a common person to understand. This has caused many problems as people fear the repercussions more than understanding the benefits it offers. You will be surprised to know that unlike other forms of debt relief, bankruptcy is quite simple. Lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, answer some of the prominent queries raised by people regarding bankruptcy. 1. Will I end up losing all my possessions? Liquidation of assets takes place in the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In that case, too, most assets [...]


What Are the Most Common Questions People Ask About Bankruptcy?

Call: 888-297-6203 When you are left with no other option apart from bankruptcy, people are worried sick because of the myths surrounding bankruptcy. Since most of these myths are bogus, having no relation to the truth, it is important that you discuss this issue with people who are well versed with the facts. Discussing your worst fears about bankruptcy with able lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, can open your eyes to the fact that bankruptcy can actually do you more good than you ever imagined. Here are some questions that can settle your [...]


Can Bankruptcy Help with Creditor’s Lawsuits Against You?

Call: 888-297-6203 When the going gets tough, managing your finances becomes extremely tricky. Sudden loss of job or medical problems can throw your household economy out of gear. Managing your debt payments may be problematic in such cases. It is no wonder that many people find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. Despite its disadvantages, lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group say, filing for bankruptcy has many benefits including preventing any legal action against you. When you fall behind payments, creditors can pursue all kinds of actions to ensure they get their money back. [...]


How to Prevent Payday Loans Creditors Through Bankruptcy?

Call: 888-297-6203 When people have accumulated huge amounts of debts and run out of options to get cash, they resort to extraordinary measures. A payday loan is one such method which has been used by scrupulous lenders to trick people who have been facing monetary issues out of their hard-earned money. Payday loan has an interest rate of a whooping 99% but dire circumstances require dire measures, hence people agree to this form of a loan. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, people who opt for payday loans are often left at a worse [...]


Best Ways to Cope with Bankruptcy

Call: 888-297-6203 Bankruptcy is a roller coaster ride. On one hand, you get rid of debts, which makes you feel happy and in control of your life; while on the other hand, your credit report gets the stamp of bankruptcy which remains for 7-10 years rendering getting loan extremely difficult. This can be a testing time, say experienced lawyers of Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group. You can experience a variety of contradicting emotions when you choose to get rid of your debts through bankruptcy. Here’s how you can cope with them: Discuss the issue [...]


Warning Signs That Suggest You Should Consider Filing for Bankruptcy

Call: 888-297-6203 For an individual or a business, filing for bankruptcy is probably a stigma that will ruin their credit history and personal name for a long time to come. However, if you could keep your emotions in check, Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, says, bankruptcy is probably the wisest decision one could make to take control of struggling finances. It is often difficult to be objective when it comes to the personal economy, therefore, here are a few warning signs that you should consult professionals for seeking advice regarding bankruptcy: You are finding it [...]


What is Bankruptcy Audit?

Call: 888-297-6203 When any individual files for bankruptcy, whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, there is always a possibility of an IRS audit taking place either after filing for the bankruptcy-process or during the process. However, say lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, that filing for bankruptcy plays no role in this audit. Though bankruptcy can stop all kind of inconvenient actions like threatening phone calls, possible lawsuits, etc., it has no effect on the IRS audit. Every year many bankruptcy petitions are filed, out of which several are selected for an audit; however, [...]


Business Recovery Through Bankruptcy is Possible

Call: 888-297-6203 In a time when the economy is struggling everywhere, it is not uncommon to find that many small businesses find it hard to stay afloat. Any change in customs duties, fluctuation in prices can send the cost escalating which cuts into the profit margin. Moreover, the high-interest rate can be a huge reason for the escalating debt of small business owners. If you find yourself struggling to manage the finances of your business, it is time to consider bankruptcy as a way out, say Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers. Though Chapter [...]


How to Fight the Social Stigma Attached With Bankruptcy?

Call: 888-297-6203 Despite the best efforts of people to bring in the positive sides of bankruptcy, the social stigma attached to it almost always overpowers. Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group has seen various victims of this social stigma who have been struggling with the huge mound of debt but chose not to file for bankruptcy because of its effects on their life. There is no denying that there are disadvantages associated with bankruptcy, however, its pros often outweigh the cons. Many people are constantly struggling to pay their bills and lead a normal, debt-free life. [...]

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