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Payday Loans: Myths & Facts

Payday loans or cash advance loans are small loans which are taken by a person against their wages and can be paid off at the time of their next paycheque. For people who have been facing financial issues for some time, payday loans are a common feature. Many of them who have been contemplating bankruptcy as a way of getting out of such problems had taken payday loans in their past. Getting a payday loan is not difficult. The borrower can ask for a payday loan from a lender in the form of a post-dated cheque by showing [...]


Laws to Secure Your Credit Reports

According to Javelin Strategy & Research, One of the financial advisory firms in the U.S., more than $100 billion has been gathered in fraud using consumer’s identification between 2011 and 2016. By keeping the identity of others, the criminals open new credit accounts and use that account to purchase the products. Thus, The fraudulent activity has enabled the criminals to cheat U.S. consumers to this large extent. Right now, There are new federal laws that can help the Americans to safeguard their identity and prevent theft. The law which is termed as Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer [...]


Is there any hope left for Student Debtors?

Contrary to other common debts, student debt is considered “next to impossible” to pay off debts. And if the student plans on paying off these kinds of debts, they will end up in “undue hardship”. A recent Court case has relieved the burden of many such students and has arisen a Ray of hope in them once again. In Sara Fern v. Fedloan Servicing, the bankruptcy court’s judgment was passed in favor of Sara Fern. The court stated that the student loan due on Sara worth $27,000 would indeed cause undue hardship in her case and hence the [...]


Instagram Photos land Rapper 50 Cent to Bankruptcy Court!

Rapper 50 Cent got a rude shock when he was called to court for his Instagram photos. Despite filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 in summer, he had been posting photographs on Instagram, posing with huge stacks of cash. This raised suspicion and he was ordered to appear in bankruptcy court to explain his actions since bankruptcy is a legal way out for people who have been unfortunate enough to suffer huge irreversible financial losses. Transparency while filing is one of the important points for an individual to get relief. However, with photographs like the one posted by [...]


How to Protect Yourself from Identity Theft?

Many people use the internet to transfer money through mobile or net banking and make payments online. But, Through identity theft, fraudulent people can siphon off financial information of people and use it for their financial gain. Your personal information can be used to get a new credit card and drain off your accounts. On the other hand, your bank details can be used to file a tax return in someone else’s name for getting a refund from the IRS. There have been many cases of identity theft being reported all across the country. Possibly, It is second [...]


How to Plan an Affordable Wedding in Los Angeles?

Weddings are a costly affair with numerous investment like Decor, Flower arrangements, Dinner parties, etc. However, There are possibilities where you can have an elegant affair which is affordable as well in Los Angeles. If you wish to decrease the cost of your wedding without settling on your dreams and any quality, Then There are a number of affordable options available. With Bohemian style catching up with people, They are no longer interested in using their hard-earned money feeding to friends and relatives in 5-star hotels or popular restaurants. Venues like community gardens or beachside are extremely popular [...]


Hire Bankruptcy Lawyers to Defend You against Creditor Action

Filing for bankruptcy is one of the last resort people opt for, though it is the best legal option available to get rid of genuine monetary issues plaguing people. Many times people who have filed for bankruptcy might end up getting sued by the creditors for failure to make payments. In case, you have chosen to file without a lawyer (pro se) you might not be adequately prepared to handle such a scenario. In a case concerning Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the debtor prior to filing for bankruptcy had opened a home equity line with a local financial institution. [...]


Health Coverage – California

The number of Americans who want the appropriate Health coverage and costs connected with health care in the U.S have only grown exponentially. This is a disturbing phenomenon on the affordability of the health-care system and nevertheless, This had been a plan for Barack Obama, When He ran for the president in 2008. To reform health care to make it affordable and to have basic health insurance coverage for the citizens had the foremost action points for the president. As critical was this priority, The president threw the above within 14 months of his presidency stature. The enactment [...]


Get to know everything about Chapter 13 Bankruptcy through Dallas Attorneys

Finding yourself on sticky financial wicket can be traumatic for many people. Often accumulated debts make a person unsure of what to do next. As per Dallas bankruptcy lawyers’ Recovery Law Group bankruptcy is one of the best options available. However, filing for bankruptcy requires you to choose from a number of Chapters, each specifically designed to help people get over financial problems. In case, you are unsure which chapter suits your case, Chapter 13 might be your best chance for starting afresh. Chapter 13 bankruptcy works best for people with reasonably sufficient disposable income which can be [...]


Foreclosure, Bankruptcy and Creditor Harassment

Who wouldn’t want a guide on how to handle bankruptcies and make wise decisions with their financial struggles? The book, Consumer Defense: A Tactical Guide to Foreclosure, Bankruptcy, and Creditor Harassment: The Luxury of the Informed, is a guide that is greatly welcomed by individuals and business owners. The authors, Ahmad T. Sulaiman, and Matthew H. Hector have laid down the concepts of consumer law in such a simplified format that it is easily understood by anyone. Lawyers and non-lawyers find this guide to be quite beneficial and it isn’t an understatement to say that this guide has [...]

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