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Are Both Spouses Supposed to File For Bankruptcy Under California Law?

 The law is clear, a spouse's debts are not reflected on another’s credit. The federal law, as well as basic legal principles, dictate that separate credit files are maintained for both the spouses so that debts of one are not reflected on another’s credit file. It is therefore not mandatory for both husband and wife to file for bankruptcy. However, there are some exceptions to the rule, like when both spouses are co-signers on a personal loan, car loan or mortgage on the house, or they share credit card(s). In case, the California means test affects your bankruptcy [...]


Can Damage Award Obtained from Lawsuit be at Risk in Bankruptcy?

Lawsuits are quite confusing. In case you have filed one for injustice against your employer or any other damage you sustained due to malpractice or any misfortune happening, you probably end up winning money as part of damages. What happens to this cash and your lawsuit with the potential award if you end up filing for bankruptcy? According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, it is important that when you file for bankruptcy, you list all your assets and debts. Any claim you have made (which may or may not have been converted into a [...]


Can Car Title Loan be Discharged in Bankruptcy in California?

Often in dire situations, people resort to dire measures. Taking a car title loan is a Hail Mary for borrowers as the fees and interest rate is high. But since people are generally out of options when they choose this, it doesn’t really matter. Car title loans are short-term loans which are given on a car which you own (no car loan exists on the vehicle). You need to provide your car title and a copy of your car keys to leave as security. The lender provides you money at the same time with a fixed time frame [...]


Are You Filing for Bankruptcy? What Happens to Your Mortgage?

Bankruptcy court acts as a shield between you and your creditors to provide you breathing space and a fresh financial start. Though the law is designed to provide respite to you, it does not do so at the cost of your creditors. You need to pay for your secured loans like mortgages. One of the best aspects of bankruptcy filing is the automatic stay which prohibits all sorts of collection actions against you. Thanks to it, your home and car cannot be foreclosed or repossessed. In case repossession is done, they have to return it. Moreover, any liens [...]


Know About Transferring Assets Prior to the Bankruptcy Filing in California

The bankruptcy process is devised to provide people going through a bad financial situation a fresh start. Simultaneously care is also taken that the creditors are not given a raw deal. The court wishes to be fair in its dealings and therefore does not look kindly to any kind of transfers made to any family member or friend, especially of valuable property. Such transfers particularly prior to bankruptcy filing are considered to be fraudulent in nature. When can an asset transfer be treated as fraudulent? While filing for bankruptcy, you have to keep certain things in mind; transferring [...]


Read the Fine Print on Credit Cards and Avoid Going Bankrupt!

Often people take debts to meet their financial requirements. These debts can be either secured ones (where a property is kept as collateral) such as a home loan or car loans; or unsecured like credit cards, etc. Since most credit card debts do not have any property which can be claimed in case you don’t pay, they can be discharged during bankruptcy. However, sometimes, some fine print on the card can make them secured without you having any knowledge of this. In such cases, these debts will not be discharged during bankruptcy. It is therefore important to be [...]


How Does Bankruptcy Affect Your Health?

People who are suffering from overwhelming debts often find bankruptcy as a way out. Bankruptcy is a legal way to reorganize your finances and get rid of debt so that you can get a fresh financial start. The two main types of consumer bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. According to a new study, bankruptcy is supposed to not only give you a better financial start but is also good for your finances too! Consumer Bankruptcy Codes Elaborated As stated previously, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the most common consumer bankruptcy codes, each having its own [...]


What does Bankruptcy mean for Senior Citizens?

Financial troubles can hit anybody, anytime. Nearly half the senior citizen population in the U.S. was facing debts (mortgage, car loan, medical bills, etc.) in 2010, averaging at $50,000. When you have accumulated debts of such huge proportions, it is natural to be a bit worried as to how the debts are going to affect you and your heirs. While you are earning, there are still chances of you being able to repay the loan, but post-retirement, making monthly payments towards the debt is a bit difficult with a fixed income at hand. According to Los Angeles based [...]


Is your Pension safe during Bankruptcy?

Getting pension benefits at the end of a hard and long career is what drives most people to work. When you retire, your pension is what you will be surviving on. However, during the course of your career, there might come a time, when you face financial problems due to which you might have to consider bankruptcy as an option to survive. Since in bankruptcy, some of your assets are used to pay off the creditors before your debts are wiped out, one of the major concern people have is whether their retirement funds are at risk? According [...]


Know These Things Before Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney

Are you in debt and need immediate help for getting rid of the circumstances? Well, there are many ways out of which the wisest and easiest one is to file for bankruptcy. This method will help you to get a large part of your debts sorted and can also help you to get back on track to a normal life. However, you alone cannot file bankruptcy as one needs to know every minute detail of bankruptcy-related laws and rules while filing for bankruptcy. This is so because a plan that worked for someone need not necessarily work in [...]

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