Get out of debt

How Does Bankruptcy Affect Your Health?

People who are suffering from overwhelming debts often find bankruptcy as a way out. Bankruptcy is a legal way to reorganize your finances and get rid of debt so that you can get a fresh financial start. The two main types of consumer bankruptcy are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. According to a new study, bankruptcy is supposed to not only give you a better financial start but is also good for your finances too! Consumer Bankruptcy Codes Elaborated As stated previously, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 are the most common consumer bankruptcy codes, each having its own [...]


What does Bankruptcy mean for Senior Citizens?

Financial troubles can hit anybody, anytime. Nearly half the senior citizen population in the U.S. was facing debts (mortgage, car loan, medical bills, etc.) in 2010, averaging at $50,000. When you have accumulated debts of such huge proportions, it is natural to be a bit worried as to how the debts are going to affect you and your heirs. While you are earning, there are still chances of you being able to repay the loan, but post-retirement, making monthly payments towards the debt is a bit difficult with a fixed income at hand. According to Los Angeles based [...]


Is your Pension safe during Bankruptcy?

Getting pension benefits at the end of a hard and long career is what drives most people to work. When you retire, your pension is what you will be surviving on. However, during the course of your career, there might come a time, when you face financial problems due to which you might have to consider bankruptcy as an option to survive. Since in bankruptcy, some of your assets are used to pay off the creditors before your debts are wiped out, one of the major concern people have is whether their retirement funds are at risk? According [...]


Tax Mistakes to Avoid While Filing for Bankruptcy

Liquidation can frankly be quite overwhelming and confusing for an average person. Filing for taxes while considering bankruptcy (either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13) is double trouble. In case you are confused regarding tax filing during the trying times of bankruptcy filing, you can call bankruptcy attorneys at 888-297-6023 to find out about your options. Out of the two possible chapters under which individuals can file for bankruptcy is Chapter 7. This results in the discharge of all unsecured debts like a credit card, medical and even income tax debt in rare cases. Under Chapter 13, you are [...]


Increase in Bankruptcy Filings Among Retirees

It is rather a sad state of affairs that Los Angeles is one of the cities that has an increase in the number of bankruptcy filings from the citizens who are above 55 years of age. This number has only doubled since 1994. Despite the need to rest after years of employment, the country witnesses this stupendous rise of close to twenty percent of the total bankruptcy filings to be of the retirees. But professionals say that it isn’t surprising – the failure of the individuals (close to 32%) in setting aside a retirement amount is the major [...]


Criminalizing Private Debts

There are criminal proceedings on defaulters on the debts that they owe to creditors. Let’s take a scenario where the debtor has fallen sick and has missed out on the payments that he/ she regularly makes. The notices about missed payments have just been ignored since the debtor is away on treatment. The piled up debt now invites court hearings – the intimations of these too have not been attended to and this eventually turns out to issuing of warrants for the arrest of the debtor for the failed payments. This is not a surreal scenario and can [...]


Rejection of Bankruptcy by the Supreme Court

It is interesting to note that one of the appeals related to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy has been rejected by the Supreme Court. This instills a sense of doubt among debtors regarding the case and why the rejection was approved by the court. Let’s understand the case in detail: The debtor associated with the case had filed for personal bankruptcy under Chapter 13. As per the norms of this Chapter, he had proposed a repayment plan which he eventually modified for several times in a span of two years. The final proposal that the debtor submitted indicated that [...]


What is Corporate Bankruptcy?

The Security and Exchange Commission may emphasize a lot about the principles of Corporate Bankruptcy for the benefit of the people in the states of California and Texas. A company or firm will be out of business completely if it files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In this scenario, the investors of this company will also lose their money. The only parties who can get some value could be the people who hold bonds with such companies. But it solely depends on the priority of the corporate companies’ debts and the value of assets that is available for the [...]


Will Filing for Bankruptcy Get Rid of Your Medical Debt?

Medical debt is one of the most common debt which the American citizens face today. In fact, you will be surprised to know that approximately 72 million Americans are struggling to pay off their medical debt. This actually means, more than 40% of the working citizens are struggling with medical debts today! Of course, there are multiple reasons why people fall in a debt, but surprisingly, medical debts is one of the most common one so far. In fact, as per the statistics and reports, the millennials are the one who are falling under the medical debt faster [...]


What Effect does California State Court Judgement have on a Debt during Bankruptcy Discharge?

Bankruptcy is one of the preferred ways to get your spiraling debts discharged so that you get a clean slate to start your life afresh. Though usually court rulings or judgment are not enough on their own to make a debt not dischargeable, yet sometimes they may make it difficult or impossible in rare cases too. Though a majority of the debts accumulated by a person get discharged during bankruptcy, it is important to note that certain debts cannot be legally written off. Those debts which cannot be discharged are categorized as: Non-Dischargeable- The creditor doesn’t object to [...]

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