
Most Commonly Asked Bankruptcy Questions

Call: 888-297-6203 Despite bankruptcy being one of the best ways to get a fresh financial start, the numerous social stigmas attached to it make it difficult for people to go ahead with it. Since bankruptcy becomes public record and stays on your credit report for a duration of 7-10 years, your financial failures can hold you back many times in the future. However, that is no reason to let go of a chance to get rid of your numerous debts and make a fresh financial start. According to Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, most people [...]


When Should You Hire a Bankruptcy Attorney?

Call: 888-297-6203 Anyone can have a streak of bad luck which might result in them in falling under an enormous amount of debt. However, unless you can get a handle on your finances, it is very difficult to get rid of the huge mountain of debt. Slowly, the situation takes a turn for the worse and you might be facing constant harassment from creditors in the form of unwanted phone calls and threatening letters. Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group says that there comes a time when people have to take the unavoidable option of [...]


Know More About Bankruptcy Exemptions

Call: 888-297-6203 When in doubt consult bankruptcy lawyers, is a popular saying. It is of extreme importance, especially in the case of bankruptcy. With so many myths surrounding bankruptcy, it is obvious that people who are struggling with debts are bound to be confused. A bankruptcy filer’s assets and debts are their most important concern, say lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group. What happens to both depends on the chapter of bankruptcy chosen by the bankruptcy filer. Individual debtors have the option of filing under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both these chapters [...]


Managing Bankruptcy Fees is Important

Call: 888-297-6203 Thinking of getting rid of your debts through bankruptcy? You will be surprised to know that you require additional money to file for bankruptcy. Ironic it may seem to say, Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyer, but it is important to pay bankruptcy fees. However, people who have meager income can opt for a waiver of bankruptcy fees. A waiver of bankruptcy fees is available only to those people who cannot even afford to hire a lawyer. People who have enough money to pay for a lawyer can obviously pay the bankruptcy fees [...]


Can You Save Your Vehicle in Bankruptcy?

Call: 888-297-6203 Filing for bankruptcy is probably the last resort people opt for concerning the ill effects it has on a person’s credit score. Even after they have decided that bankruptcy is probably the only way, they can get rid of the huge mountain of debt that has been crushing them for a long time, their major concern is that they might end up losing their property. Well, Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, informs that losing property during bankruptcy is not a common occurrence. With various exemptions in place, people can protect their property. Fear [...]


Proof of Claim – How Creditors Get Paid in Bankruptcy

Call: 888-297-6203 Bankruptcy has been one of the best tools to get rid of debt. Many people across the country regularly benefit from it. However, a point of concern is that, are the creditors always in a loss when any person files for bankruptcy? If that would have been the case, say Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers, objections would have been raised against the entire process. Creditors get paid during bankruptcy, be it Chapter 7 (liquidation of assets) or Chapter 13 (repayment plan). They are assured of payment if they prepare and file a [...]


Know Everything About Bankruptcy Before Opting for It

Call: 888-297-6203 Your finances are something you generally don’t discuss with everyone. If you are facing some monetary problems, your family or a few friends might be able to come to your rescue. If, however, the debt is too much, even they can’t help. Bankruptcy might be the only possible way to legally get rid of debt. Despite the advantages of bankruptcy, it is important that you don’t jump into it without being aware of the details or you might end up blindsided. Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, suggests that it is always important [...]


Bankruptcy Options Available for Small Business Owners

Call: 888-297-6203 Not just individuals, but small business owners can also face issues when it comes to handling finances. In case there are financial issues plaguing a business which cannot be managed easily, the owner might have to take the hardest decision ever; filing for bankruptcy to get relief from debt. If you are left with no other option except filing for bankruptcy, it is important that you hire the services of experienced lawyers to handle your case. You can seek consultation with bankruptcy attorneys by calling 888-297-6023. Lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group, [...]


Is it Possible to Reopen Your Bankruptcy Case?

Call: 888-297-6203 When people file for bankruptcy, their bankruptcy can either be dismissed because it does not fulfill all criteria, lacks some important document or has valid objections raised against it by creditors; or, the bankruptcy is discharged once all responsibilities are completed (dues are cleared). However, inform Los Angeles based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group lawyers, sometimes, the bankruptcy case is closed without a discharge. Since bankruptcy is a complex process, closure of case without discharge is possible. If this is the case, you will require the assistance of experienced bankruptcy lawyers. You can call 888-297-6023 to [...]


Filing for Bankruptcy? Know Your State Specific Requirements

Call: 888-297-6203 When you find no other way out of the huge financial mess, bankruptcy might be an excellent option to get rid of your debts. However, it is important to understand that despite bankruptcy being governed by federal laws, it is not the same in every state. Apart from federal laws, state rules and regulations are also equally important, say lawyers of Dallas based bankruptcy law firm Recovery Law Group. It is therefore vital that you hire attorneys who are well versed with the state laws regarding bankruptcy as well as the exemptions provided during the process. [...]

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