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Is credit card debt eating up your finances and ruining your credit score? The Federal Reserve claims that the total of credit card debt for American consumers today is around $800 billion. Worse, 4.5 million credit card accounts are already delinquent. Good news, you can get rid of credit card debt with us. Stop waiting and pick up the phone or fill out a case evaluation immediately.
Release from Credit Card Debt
Harassment by third parties is daunting, especially when knowing that you are on the weak side. From the unexpected door knocks to phone calls and interrupted dinners, the stress of credit card debt may keep you awake all night long. The debt collectors and creditors keep calling, leaving you exhausted and with signs of no hope, but there is always a way out. If the way is invisible right now, we can help show the legal path to release the stress from credit card debt and make the collections and harassing calls stop for good.

There are three ways to eliminate credit card debt: pay off, consolidate, or eliminate. The top industry players (and Banks) want you to pay off the credit card debt (with high interest rates), regardless of whether or not you achieve this goal by taking out a new debt. We can help you choose the appropriate option in the given timeline. Our lawyers will help you through the process to pay off, settle, or consolidate your credit card debt depending on what is appropriate in your individual situation. With us, you can expect a fresh start to personal and business financial management.
Get Access to Justice Today
Stop worrying about your future and stressing about your financial situation by contacting our law firm for a free consultation to understand your legal rights immediately. Wajda & Associates and our staff are here to guide you through the process with the least amount of stress possible. We can put an end to the financial burden from secure and unsecure debt while helping to also stop any creditor harassment.
Not only will we make the calls stop… if they continue we will sue them on your behalf to collect damages if they have violated the law in an attempt to collect a debt.